How to store logs for wood burner usage

Choosing your location

An important aspect of how to store logs for wood burner usage is choosing a suitable location for your log pile. You want to find somewhere that will maximise exposure to the sun and wind while minimising exposure to the rain. At the same time, you will need to think about convenience. The closer your log pile is to your home, the less effort required to bring your firewood inside.

Safety is also paramount when looking at how to store logs for wood burner fuel, so make sure you choose a flat, stable piece of ground and leave enough space between the stack and your home to reduce the risk of fire.

To maximise exposure to the wind and sun, you should find an open piece of land. There is always a trade off though, because the strongest winds always come from the same direction as the heaviest downpours (e.g., from the south west in the UK). Providing you follow the recommendations below, on storage facilities and stacking, you will find that exposure to wind will offset the rain.

In contrast, sheltering logs under trees will often lead to moisture dripping down into the stack while stopping the wind from drying those damp logs out.

What type of container should your logs be stored in?

When choosing a container to store your logs in, you should prioritise keeping the wood off the ground, maximising air flow and providing some sort of rain protection. Any storage facility which meets these requirements will be fine.

Most commercial log stores have a raised floor, an open front and a pitched roof. Some are fully covered but these tend to include plenty of air vents.

However, simply stacking your logs on a palette and covering them with some corrugated iron will suffice. Avoid using tarpaulin, except as a temporary measure, as this will cause the logs to sweat.

Another factor in how to store logs for wood burner usage is getting your stacking right.

Stacking logs to maximise drying

Once you have decided where to stack your logs, you will need to stack them in a way that optimises air flow and protection from water.

There is an art to stacking logs (and we have written another blog post on this). The basic advice we can give is to leave a four inch gap all the way around your pile and to stack the logs so that there are plenty of gaps through which air can circulate. By stacking from the side, one row at a time, you can make sure that your rows are vertically even. This will not only prevent them from toppling over but will also protect the majority of your logs from rain.

Aim to limit the height of your log stack to around one metre, and definitely below head height. This will make transporting them easier and safer.

Are you happy with your current log supply?

Of course, knowing how to store logs for wood burner usage is of limited value if your log supply itself is of poor quality. If your logs feel heavy, take a long time to light and produce a lot of dirty smoke and residue, chances are they have not been seasoned properly.

Fortunately, Kneebone Trees can supply high quality, well seasoned logs at any time of the year. Take a look at our dedicated Seasoned Logs page for current prices and a contact form.

Cant wait? Order from us instead

If you are looking for professionaly choopped and seasoned logs then please contact Kneebone Trees today.

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