Celebrate National Tree Week

What Is National Tree Week?

National Tree Week is a special occasion for all nature lovers and a great opportunity to improve our impact on the planet. It is the biggest celebration of trees and their impact across the UK and is set to take place between 23rd November to 1st December 2024.

The timing of National Tree Week is significant, as it marks the start of the winter planting season and allows us to make moves for a vibrant environmental future.

The event has long been a part of nature lovers’ calendars across the UK, with the first recorded event taking place in 1973 by the Tree Council, which continues to host the event to this day. The first National Tree Week took place in 1973 following the successful Plant A Tree campaign of that year.

The Plant A Tree Campaign of 1973 took place to replenish many landscapes across the county which had suffered from Dutch Elm Disease, causing lots of trees to be lost and removed. By tapping into the existing public interest in trees at the time, the first National Tree Week was an incredible success and has led to the celebration continuing for decades.

Why Should I Care About National Tree Week?

For our team at Kneebone Trees, we are passionate about our work and are committed to conserving the environment in everything we do.

However, we understand that not everyone has the time or the inclination to be as dedicated as we are, which is why National Tree Week is such a brilliant time of year for us. The week encourages people to understand just how important trees are for our planet.

Many people take trees for granted and rarely think about them at all, but National Tree Week is an excuse to step away from the norm and see the bigger picture.

The Benefits Of Trees

Trees play a significant role in health and well-being, both for people and the environment. They offer a range of benefits which often go unnoticed, and National Tree Week is a chance to celebrate these marvellous beings and work towards their conservation.

To help you get excited for National Tree Week and see why we are particularly excited about this occasion, let’s take a look at some of the main benefits trees provide:

Environmental Impact – Trees absorb CO2, working to remove carbon from the air while releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. A mature tree can absorb approximately 48 pounds of CO2 per year, making them incredibly important not only for our planet but for our health and wellbeing too.

Biodiversity – Trees provide habitat and food for many species of birds, insects, lichen, and fungi, all of which play a significant role in the cycles of nature. A single oak tree, for example, can support hundreds of different life forms and is a vital player in the ongoing health of natural environments.

Erosion Control – Tree roots stabilise the soil they are planted in, actively preventing erosion and improving the quality of soil so other plants can thrive in these areas. Trees also help to filter rainwater and recharge aquifers, making them a great tool for better landscapes.

Trees play a significant role in our lives, even if we do not realise it. National Tree Week is a chance for people to come together and celebrate these wonderful plants, while also learning more about their role and how we can take better care of the environment through tree care.

How To Get Involved With National Tree Week

National Tree Week will be here before we know it, so now is a great time to make some changes and get involved with environmental conservation. No matter your age or ability, this celebration is a wonderful opportunity for you to get your hands dirty, be in nature and experience the magic that trees can provide.

There are various ways you can get involved with this year’s National Tree Week, such as:

Plant a Tree

The most direct and impactful way to get involved with National Tree Week is by planting a tree. Planting even just one tree can offer a range of benefits to the environment and deliver ongoing support to local ecosystems, making it a great activity for anyone to partake in.

Whether you choose to plant a tree in your own garden, at a community space or as part of an organised event, you can actively get involved with National Tree Week through this small action. Not only are you contributing to the environment by providing a new tree to the land, but you’re also adding beauty and value to your surroundings through this action.

Join a Tree Planting Event

As we have mentioned, planting even just one tree can make such a difference to the environment so why not take things a step further?

During National Tree Week, there is certain to be a range of events hosted by local councils, environmental groups and other programs in your community that encourage the conversation of the environment. Many of these events will be focused on planting more trees in your local areas, and people of all ages can get involved in the festivities.

Tree planting events are a fantastic way to meet like-minded people, get outdoors and learn more about tree-planting techniques.

Educate and Advocate

Whether you are already involved in environmental activism or want to learn more, National Tree Week is a great opportunity for growth. This week can be a wonderful opportunity for you to host events and educate people on the value of trees, or attend events to learn more yourself.

Schools, local community centres and councils will all be hosting lessons regarding trees, their value and environmental impact so take some time to educate yourself this week. Get children involved and encourage homemade projects regarding trees.

If you want to share your passion and findings, plan ahead to host a talk or write an article for community newspapers that will be available during this week.

Support Tree Conservation Efforts

If you cannot or do not want to get physically involved this National Tree Week, you can still play a role in ongoing conservation. Instead of getting your own hands dirty, you can use this week as an excuse to donate to charities or organisations that focus on trees, such as tree planting, forest protection and conservation groups.

With your donation, these groups can continue their valuable work and create a healthier future for us all.

Go on a Tree Walk

Finally, one of the simplest and most accessible ways to get involved with National Tree Week is to go on a tree walk. Whether you want to organise your own or join events taking place in your community, the best way to experience the magic of trees is to get outside with them.

There will be events taking place across your community during National Tree Week where environmental enthusiasts and tree experts will lead tours of the trees in your area. You can also arm yourself with a guidebook or blog post and take yourself on a hike to learn more about the diversity right on your doorstep.

This is a great activity for people of all ages and can encourage children to get involved in environmental matters early on. Make sure to wrap up warm and keep your eyes peeled for a variety of tree species, wildlife sights and amazing colours – you never know what you might see when you’re open to anything!


National Tree Week is a beautiful celebration of nature and the incredible role trees play in all our lives. At Kneebone Trees, we are passionate about trees and work to conserve their beauty, health and vitality in everything we do.

This guide can help you prepare for National Tree Week at the end of November and inspire you to play an active role in environmental matters.

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