Common Pests, Diseases, and Fungi Affecting Your Trees

Common Issues Affecting Trees: Our Tree Care Guide

Trees are a magnificent addition to any landscape, and to keep them that way we need to understand what issues they face and how to take care of them. Like all other living creatures, especially those exposed to the elements so much, trees are not immune to issues such as pests, diseases and fungi – all of which can hinder their health, aesthetic appeal and future growth.

At Kneebone Trees, we are committed to delivering the best standards of tree care for our clients and the local landscapes. We are passionate about the work we do and deliver years of experience to every project, ensuring each tree we plant, prune or repair gets the care it needs.

In this post, we are using our expertise as leading tree surgeons to share some of our best tree care methods for the most common issues plaguing our landscapes so you can play an active role in conservation.

What To Expect From This Tree Care Guide

To ensure we deliver a comprehensive tree care guide, we need to share insight into all of the common issues affecting trees and how these can ruin your landscape. This allows you to remain aware of the issues that your trees may be dealing with and learn how to spot the early signs for a better recovery.

With our insight, you can also learn how to care for your trees and manage these common issues affecting them, so you never have to deal with a poor landscape for long.

We are going to be discussing the three most common issues affecting your trees and how to spot the warning signs.

Common Tree Pests

Pests are a frequent cause of tree health issues and can ruin your landscape when left to their own devices. These unwelcome visitors can infest any area of the tree, whether this is the leaves, bark, or roots, causing the entire plant to weaken.

If left unattended, these pests can lead to the death of your tree, ruining the appeal of the landscape which is why they need to be treated as soon as possible.
Some of the most common tree pests impacting your landscape include:


These tiny, sap-sucking insects are typically found in clusters on fresh tree growth where they will drain essential nutrients from the tree. This causes leaf yellowing and curling, as well as slowed growth pf the tree as a whole.

Aphids are especially damaging to your trees as they attract more pests through their honeydew, which is excreted from the insect and draws in ants. When left unattended, these pests can cause sooty mould to develop on the tree.

Emerald Ash Borer

The emerald ash borer is a green metallic beetle that burrows into ash trees, leaving a D-shaped exit mark in the bark and disrupting water and nutrient flow reaching from the roots to the branches and beyond.

By draining this essential life source, trees affected by emerald ash borers will often show signs of thinning, such as in their canopies, as well as branch dieback.

Caterpillars and Moths

Caterpillars, and eventually moths, can wreak havoc on the leaves of trees and result in defoliation of many species. Species such as the oak processionary moth will feed on the leaves of oak trees, leaving the tree vulnerable to stress and secondary infections which can be fatal.

Scale Insects

It may be difficult to notice whether you are dealing with a scale insect infestation, as they can appear as small bumps on tree bark and branches, blending into the plant.

However, these immobile bumps can drastically weaken trees if left to feed on the sap, as they behave similarly to aphids.

Common Tree Diseases

Tree diseases can be caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses which severely impact tree health if left unchecked and untreated. Many kinds of tree diseases can plague your landscape and cause your trees to suffer, most of which require professional support to treat.

These common issues affecting trees can spread through soil, water or even other plants leaving your whole landscape at risk without the proper care. The most common tree diseases include:

Dutch Elm Disease

Dutch Elm is a notorious fungal disease which can kill a tree in a single season if left untreated. This disease is spread by elm bark beetles, which causes the leaves to wilt and yellow.

Eventually, this will lead to branch dieback, demonstrating just how damaging this disease can be.

Ash Dieback

Ash dieback is another fungal disease which can cause trees to collapse and fall if left untreated.

Affecting ash trees, this disease can cause leaf loss, cankers and weakened stems which will eventually hinder the tree’s overall structural integrity.

Bacterial Canker

Bacterial canker primarily affects cherry and plum trees, causing sunken, dead areas of bark to appear. Based on the severity of the disease, these areas can also ooze sap and the leaves may develop shot holes.

Common Tree Fungi

Fungal infections and diseases are insidious, as they often attack the tree quietly. By starting at the roots, trunk or even through the leaves, it can often take a while for untrained eyes to notice that something is amiss with your landscape.

When the fungi have time to take over the tree, it will become weak and this can be passed on to other trees in the same landscape, which is why these common issues affecting trees need to be quickly managed by professionals. The most common tree fungi to be aware of include:

Honey Fungus

Honey fungi is a parasitic fungus that leads to root rot in many species. It initially appears as a yellowish-white fungal growth under the bark but eventually produces honey-coloured mushrooms near the tree base.
Affected trees may show premature leaf drop, but if left unattended can die.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew appears as a white, powder-like substance on leaves, stems, and bark across a range of tree species and is transmitted through the air. This common tree fungus causes stunted growth and deformities in heavily infected trees.

Heart Rot

As the name suggests, this common fungi invades the tree and causes decay at the heart. This impacts structural strength, which can cause the wood to hollow over time. Other symptoms of heart rot include external fungal growths, known as conks.

How To Prevent The Most Common Issues Affecting Trees

Prevention is often the best solution for these common issues affecting trees, as it is often easier to avoid the issue in the first place than try to treat it later. This is why, when working alone, the best ways you can care for your trees are by following preventative measures such as:

  • Regular Inspections: Make sure to periodically inspect your trees and look out for any signs of these common issues. Catching them early can lead to better results and allow you time to find the most suitable solution for your landscape. Professional tree surveys and inspections are also available to aid in this process.
  • Proper Pruning: Ensuring that all tree pruning is done using sharp, clean tools ensures a precise cut and avoids the spreading of bacteria, fungi and other common issues affecting trees. Dead, diseased and other affected branches should be removed as soon as possible, to prevent the issue from spreading throughout the tree. Ensure that trees are pruned in the most appropriate season for the species to avoid stressing the plant.
  • Watering And Fertilisation: Keeping your trees well-fed and hydrated is a great way to prevent common issues affecting trees, as you are ensuring they remain strong and healthy at all times. Maintain efficient watering and feeding based on the tree type, as well as soil condition, climate and season.
  • Mulch For Protection: Adding mulch around the base of trees is a great preventative measure, as it not only improves soil moisture and temperature but also reduces weeds which can take essential nutrients from the tree, leaving them weak and exposed.

When It’s Time To Call The Professionals

If you notice any signs of these common issues affecting trees, your best course of action is to call in professionals like our team at Kneebone Trees. We offer a comprehensive range of tree care services to support your landscape and ensure that our ecosystems thrive.

Whether you need tree surgery, maintenance or even tree removal, our arborists are here to help and deliver the precise care you need.

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