How much do tree services charge per hour?

The average cost of tree services

Asking search engines ‘How much do tree services charge per hour?’ can only ever give you a very rough estimate of what you might pay for a day’s work.

With that caveat, the average hourly rate, according to UK trade directories, is between £40 and £50 per hour.

Another problem with asking, ‘How much do tree services charge per hour?’ is that the figure you get might be for a single tree surgeon or a team. The rate quoted above is for one surgeon. Since most tree services will require the presence of two to three surgeons, you are probably looking at £400 per day at least (and double that if you live in London or the South East)

Rather than asking, ‘How much do tree services charge per hour?’ we recommend you focus on getting an accurate quote from local tree surgeons and arborists you trust.

So how do you do that?

7 ways to get the best quote for your tree work

Here are some tips for getting a reliable quote for the tree services you need.

  1. Be clear and honest about the scope of the work. If the little tree you need removing from your garden is actually a 30 metre oak tree entangled in power lines, make sure you reveal this at the outset. Difficult access, dangerous working conditions and tree size will push up a quotation significantly.
  2. Get at least three independent quotations. This is a common tip and will help you to compare services. Don’t just go for the lowest quotation though. Safety, experience, qualifications and insurance will (and should) command a higher rate.
  3. Arrange a site visit. A professional tree services provider will usually insist on this for all but the most clear cut jobs. You don’t want to hire a company only to hear the words, ‘Ah, we didn’t realise…’ when they arrive at your home for the first day’s work.
  4. Enquire about the companies’ qualifications, insurance, experience and safety record. This tip should be self-explanatory.
  5. Ask about any hidden fees and charges. Will your site visit cost you a call-out fee. Does the company charge extra for tidying up afterwards? If you ask specifically about hidden charges upfront, a company will be less likely to dump them on you once you’ve signed the contract.
  6. Read customer testimonials. With a pinch of salt. Be wary of vague, anonymous praise.
  7. Consider an ongoing maintenance contract. If you are hiring a company for a job that will need repeating in a few months or a year (grass-cutting, hedge-trimming, pruning, etc.) ask whether they offer a maintenance contract. This might bring down the hourly rate.

How much do tree services cost with Kneebone Trees?

As you now know, ‘How much do tree services charge per hour?’ is a flawed question. As with any professional tree services provider, we will need to know the size of the job, the types of trees involved, the ease of access, the equipment we need and more.

Rather than fob you off with an hourly rate, we will arrange a site visit and then use our experience to quote you accurately. What we can say for definite is that we have the qualifications, insurance, skills, experience and equipment to handle any work. We can also assure you that we will prioritise safety at all times, and we will treat your home with respect.

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